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Showing posts with label How To. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How To. Show all posts

Friday, July 22, 2016

How To Cuff Shirt Sleeves.

Hey guys!  
This past week I received a couple of questions on how I cuff the sleeves on my button-up shirts, as seen on my last post. So instead of trying to explain it in writing, I thought I'd show you in a quick how-to video! 
I hope it helps! :)

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Monday, January 6, 2014

How to Make Snow Ice Cream!

You may have noticed very few outfit/instagram pics from me in the past week.  That's because I was extreeeemely busy soaking up the sun in LA; where J & I visited my side of the family and had a great time watching our alma mater win the Rose Bowl (GO GREEN!!).  Now I'm wondering if maybe I should have stayed in LA, because I came back to snowpocalypse 2014!  It has snowed well over 20 inches here, and conditions are so bad that my workplace has been closed for the past two days.  CRAZY! 

What I should be doing during this time is cleaning up the house and doing laundry.  But, obviously, that would be too responsible of me. Instead, what I have been doing is taking naps and making ice cream out of snow.  
...When in Rome…! 

My friend Katie posted a similar snow ice cream recipe today (thanks, Katie!!!) and in an attempt to break up my naps, I decided to give it a go.  I tweaked the recipe a bit, and to my surprise, it's actually REALLY delicious!  Who knew?! 

So, if you're snowed in and want to eat something yummy and relatively healthy, make yourself a bowl of snow ice cream!  You can add even more pizazz to your version with different toppings like hot fudge, m&ms, and whipped cream.  Have fun & stay warm!

(Check out the original recipe from Country Drawers Blog here!)

 ***It goes without saying that you'll want to use only fresh, untouched, snow!***